Sunday, August 4, 2019
Dear Family
I will always remember Aunt Felice's soft-spoken but tenacious nature, her generosity of spirit and the major impact she had on the trajectory of my life. I am fortunate to have had the chance to thank her for impact on my life in a conversation we had when she was hospitalized and recovering from serious injuries. Here's a shortened version of the story.
When I was in high school I was pretty aimless, lacking in purpose and had no clear plan for the future. Aunt Felice, always the one to help others in need, sent me a box full of brochures about career opportunities and college programs. I found one for Quinnipiac College (now a full-blown University). They were announcing a new BS degree in Industrial Hygiene - a profession dedicated to the prevention of occupational illness and injury. I completed the BS program, went on to the University of Florida to get an environmental degree, and in 2020 will celebrate my 40th year of service in the field of health, safety and environmental protection. It has been an incredibly rewarding career and I will be forever grateful to Aunt Felice for helping me find my way at critical moment in my young life. No doubt there are many other people who could share similar stories of her care and concern. She will be missed.